Solarlight // 紫外光源 星期一,20 Sep 2021 13:48:27 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 // Solarlight // 32 32 你被邀请了:2021年园艺节 // Alyssa Saftlas 星期一,20 Sep 2021 08:00:08 +0000 展会和会议 //

The post YOU’

The 2021 HortiCann Lighting and Technology Event is a two-day, online event focused on sharing the latest technology and research related to lighting optimization and efficacy, energy and cost savings, operations and environmental control systems, and strategies for the field of agricultural technology.

Solarmeter® by Solar Light Company, LLC’s point-and-click handheld meters ensure healthy plant growth. The Model 9.4G monitors blue light intensity to produce strong, healthy stems and leaves. The Model 9.6G monitors red light intensity to produce beautiful flowers and delicious fruit. Solar Light also offers Model PMA2132 Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Sensor for accurate measurements in greenhouses, growth chambers and open environments.

Don't forget to register today!

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我们迫不及待地想在9月23 - 25日的防晒霜研讨会上见到你! // Alyssa Saftlas 周二9月14日17:15:05 +0000 展会和会议 //

post We can ' t wait to see you September 23 ’

post We can ' t wait to see you September 23 ’25岁的防晒霜研讨会!首先出现在

The Florida Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists will be hosting the 2021 Sunscreen Symposium at Disney’s Yacht Club in Lake Buena Vista Florida on September 23 – 25, 2021. This event brings Cosmetic Industry professionals together to discuss the latest scientific developments, regulation updates, and learn opportunities about the latest developments in suncare through technical presentations, exhibits, posters, and more!

SPF solutions by Solar Light Company, LLC improve productivity for accelerated time-to-market for your sun protection products. Pre-irradiation solar simulators are specifically designed to irradiate substrate plates prior to in vitro SPF analysis. Simultaneous pre-irradiation of multiple substrate plates decreases analysis time and improves capacity. Our Automated SPF Analyzer provides quick, efficient, and accurate UV transmittance analysis by strongly absorbing high SPF/ SPF and cosmetic formulations to reduce development time.

Solar Light complies with the most current FDA and ISO guidelines. Methods and protocols integrate our certified reference standards. IQ/OQ procedures achieve repeatable and predictive results. NIST-traceable standards, sensors and spectroradiometers assure performance.

We look forward to meeting you at Booth 13!

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Solar Light Com新万博手机版下载pany, LLC的Solarmeter®将于8月17日至19日在拉斯维加斯的SuperZoo展出! // Alyssa Saftlas Tue, 3 Aug 2021 08:00:22 +0000 展会和会议 //

帖子Solar Light Company,LLC新万博手机版下载制作的Solarmeter®将于8月17日至19日在拉斯维加斯的SuperZoo展出 首先出现在日光灯

<人物类=” wpb_wrapper vc_figure “> ”“ <一类= “vc_general vc_btn3 vc_btn3尺寸-LG vc_btn3-形状圆形vc_btn3式平坦vc_btn3色蓝色的” href = “” 标题= “” 目标=“_空白“>了解详情 <类= “vc_general vc_btn3 vc_btn3尺寸-LG vc_btn3-形状圆形vc_btn3式平坦vc_btn3色绿色的” href =” “标题= ”“ 目标= ”_空白“> REGISTER <类=” vc_general vc_btn3 vc_btn3尺寸-LGvc_btn3-形状圆形vc_btn3式平VC_btn3色灰色的” href = “//” 标题= “” 目标= “_空白”>我们联系

SuperZoo,最大的宠物零售事件,是最出席宠物行业贸易展在北美。 Established by the World Pet Association in 1950, this annual gathering offers various learning opportunities, an easy-to-shop show floor and fun-filled atmosphere to network and conduct business.

What to expect from Solarmeter® at SuperZoo

We will be showcasing our 6.2R Reptile UVB Lamp Meter and 6.5R Reptile UV Index Meter during SuperZoo. These point-and-click handheld meters ensure the health and safety of your reptile. The Model 6.2R is used to monitor lamp intensity and lamp life. The Model 6.5R measures the UV Index related to the Vitamin D action spectrum and Ferguson Zones to identify reptile-safe basking areas.

We look forward to meeting you at Booth 5215!

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新万博手机版下载Solar Light Company, LLC下属的Optronic Laboratories, LLC获得ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证! // Alyssa Saftlas 2021年7月13日星期二18:04:29 +0000 新闻 //

post Sol新万博手机版下载ar Light Company, LLC附属Optronic Laboratories, LLC获得ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证!首先出现在


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独立日快乐! // Alyssa Saftlas 星期四,2021年7月1日20:42:37 +0000 新闻 //

post 独立日快乐!首先出现在

Happy Independence Day! As we spend the Fourth of July celebrating our freedom, please be sure to take a moment to acknowledge and thank those who fought for our freedoms. Whether you’re spending the holiday BBQing or at the beach, Solar Light hopes you enjoy our Independence Day in the company of friends and family! And don’t forget to practice sun care safety while enjoying your time in the sun!

Solarmeter® by Solar Light Company, LLC offers a handheld digital UV Index radiometer, Model 6.5. This easy-to-use meter allows you to monitor the UV index yourself, making it the perfect instrument to bring on any outing or getaway to determine the precautions necessary to protect your skin!

In observance of Independence Day our office and warehouse will be closed Monday, July 5, 2021. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

The post Happy Independence Day! appeared first on Solarlight.

2021阵亡将士纪念日:保持安全,保持健康! // Alyssa Saftlas 5月27日星期四08:00:38 +0000 新闻 //


On Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who gave their all defending our country, rights, and way of living. Unofficially, it is also the kick off to summer. But this year, it will be the first major holiday when masking restrictions and social distancing practices have been significantly eased. We encourage you to get outdoors! But while observing the safety precautions we’ve grown used to over the last year, be sure to protect yourself from the sun as well!

In observance of Memorial Day, our office and warehouse will be closed
Monday, May 31, 2021. We will reopen on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.

The post Memorial Day 2021: Stay Safe, Stay Healthy! appeared first on Solarlight.

您被邀请:全球宠物博览会数字访问3月24 -26日 // Alyssa Saftlas 星期四,18 Mar 2021 08:00:30 +0000 展会和会议 //

The post YOU’RE INVITED: Global Pet Expo Digital Access 3月24 -26日 <人物类=” wpb_wrapper vc_figure “>

Solarmeter® by Solar Light Company, LLC will be participating in Global Pet Expo Digital Access March 24th – 26th.  Global Pet Expo Digital Access will allow independent retailers, distributors, mass-market buyers, and other qualified professionals the chance to review the newest, most innovative pet products on the market today.


What to expect from Solarmeter® at Global Pet Expo Digital Access

*Global Pet Expo Digital Access is not available to the general public.

We will be showcasing our 6.2R Reptile UVB Lamp Meter and 6.5R Reptile UV Index Meter during Global Pet Expo. These point-and-click handheld meters ensure the health and safety of your reptile. The Model 6.2R is used to monitor lamp intensity and lamp life. The Model 6.5R measures the UV Index related to the Vitamin D action spectrum and Ferguson Zones to identify reptile-safe basking areas.


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转化SPF配方筛选,加快上市时间 // Alyssa Saftlas Tue, 02 Mar 2021 16:00:40 +0000 提示和建议 //

The post Transforming SPF Formulation Screening To Accelerate time To market 首先出现在Solarlight.

SPF solutions by Solar Light Company, LLC improve productivity for accelerated time-to-market for your sun protection products. Pre-irradiation solar simulators are specifically designed to irradiate substrate plates prior to in vitro SPF analysis. Simultaneous pre-irradiation of multiple substrate plates decreases analysis time and improves capacity. Our Automated SPF Analyzer provides quick, efficient, and accurate UV transmittance analysis by strongly absorbing high SPF/ SPF and cosmetic formulations to reduce development time.

SPF solutions by Solar Light Company, LLC comply with the most current FDA and ISO guidelines. Methods and protocols that integrate our certified reference standards and IQ/OQ procedures achieve repeatable and predictive results. NIST-traceable standards, sensors and spectroradiometers assure performance. Novice to advanced level user training programs ensure operational confidence and cost-effective ROI.

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2020年节日的问候 // Alyssa Saftlas Tue, 22 Dec 2020 08:00:38 +0000 新闻 //

The post Season’s Greetings 2020

This holiday season will be unlike any other. As we move into a new and hopefully better year, the Solar Light Family hopes you will find time to share in the holiday spirit – however that may look for you – with those we love and appreciate and all that we have to be thankful for.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

We will be closed starting Thursday, December 24th and reopen on Monday, January 4th.

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你听说过新的防晒霜标准吗? // Alyssa Saftlas Thu, 03 Dec 2020 08:00:13 +0000 新闻 //


Sunscreen Standard UPDATE

Over the past year there has not only been a handful of new ISO standards released, but sunscreen formulas have changed too. Due to the latest standard released, ISO 24444, Solar Light has made some changes to our stock of standards.

  • P7- This standard is no longer available. Under ISO 24444, any testing for SPF 25 and below will be covered using P2 or P3.
  • P5- Average SPF value = 31. Acceptance limits = 23.7-37.4 SPF. This will be used under ISO 24444 for testing SPF values in the middle range of SPF 26-49.
  • P8- Average SPF value = 63. Acceptance limits = 43.9-82.3 SPF. This will be used under ISO 24444 for testing SPF values in the high range of SPF 50 and up.

What’s New In ISO 24444(2019)?

With the new update, in vivo SPF experiments will use standards based off three categories: low, middle, and high. If the estimated SPF is under 25, then all subjects use P2 or P3 as a standard. When the estimated SPF is 25 or more, but less than 50, ISO requires at least five people use the mid-range standards: P5 or P6 (N/A) with the rest using P2/P3. Finally, at SPF 50 and above ISO requires at least five people use the high range standard P8, with the rest using P2/P3. Spreading times are now only 35s +/-15s with the technique requiring small individual circles followed by alternating vertical and horizontal lines.

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